vietnam travel

Vietnam Travel: VNAT And BBC To Promote Vietnam Tourism With New Show

Vietnam Travel

BLUEBELL TOURS VIETNAM: On 28th May 2024, in Ha Noi, Mr. Nguyen Trung Khanh, Chairman of the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism (VNAT) had a meeting with Mr. John Williams – Vice President, Advertising Sales, Singapore & SEA, BBC Studios on the proposed production plan for the program The Travel Show Special Vietnam promoting Vietnam tourism on BBC. Leaders of divisions and the Tourism Information Technology Center attended the meeting. The main content of the meeting is about boosting Vietnam travel to travelers around the world.

Mr. John Williams – Vice President, Advertising Sales, Singapore & SEA, BBC Studios gave a brief introduction, the BBC is one of the world’s leading public service broadcasters. BBC products include programs, reality shows, and news on TV, radio, and on the Internet. Notably, The Travel Show on BBC TV attracts a large number of viewers around the world.

vietnam travel

The Travel Show will bring audiences on an exploration journey, experiencing the show presenters, creating unforgettable memories. Exclusively, presenters joining The Travel Show offer a wealth of experience in travel journalism, affirming the show’s criteria of BBC on tourism: Travel is for everyone, regardless of class, country, or ethnicity, thereby conveying a positive message, inspiring to Vietnam travel, experience the country’s people and culture.

This project, proposed by BBC, is called The Travel Show Special Vietnam, includes 2 episodes, with the duration of 23 minutes per episode, and is expected to air in October 2024. The goal of The Travel Show Special Vietnam is to promote the image of a beautiful, attractive destination, friendly people, long history and rich culture of Vietnam. Thereby, encourage and motivate people to travel to Vietnam.

Mr. John Williams wishes to receive support from VNAT, connecting the BBC crew with locals during the production process of The Travel Show Special Vietnam. At the same time, BBC hopes to receive advice, ideas from VNAT about this programme to bring high efficiency. According to Mr. John Williams, this is a good opportunity for BBC and VNAT to cooperate and promote the image of Vietnam travel worldwide.

After listening to the proposal, VNAT’s Chairman Nguyen Trung Khanh highly appreciated the idea of BBC and affirmed that VNAT is always supportive of the film crew in implementing this special project and will assign units under the VNAT to coordinate during the implementation process.

vietnam travel

VNAT’s Chairman Nguyen Trung Khanh enquiries BBC to provide detailed information about the production project of The Travel Show Special Vietnam. At the same time, noted that the BBC needs to ensure compliance with Vietnamese laws and regulations if implementing this project in Vietnam. BBC’s video clips promoting Vietnam tourism need to ensure positive and effective messages are conveyed about the destinations, beauty, and historical and cultural values of the country and people of Vietnam.

VNAT’s Chairman Nguyen Trung Khanh also suggested a number of ideas in order to have full access to the potentials and strengths of Vietnam tourism, namely Cultural-heritage tourism, eco-tourism, discovery tourism, island and sea tourism, culinary tourism. From 15th August 2023, Vietnam has granted electronic visas to citizens of all countries and territories and increased the temporary stay duration to 45 days for citizens of countries who are exempt from visas to enter Vietnam. He believes that BBC presenters will have wonderful experiences and impressive memories in Vietnam travel.

VNAT will coordinate communication and promotion of this programme on the VNAT’s websites and social networks. VNAT’s Chairman Nguyen Trung Khanh hopes that BBC with its capable team will bring success to the Vietnam tourism promotion programme, spreading the image of Vietnam tourism throughout the world.